Friday, March 27, 2009

headline of the day.

funny story.
while me and my friends were chatting during recess after eating.
we did it in front of the toilet.not to near the toilet fyi.
i kinda fell into the longkang and tried to bangun again.
but i lost my balance and fell between a pole and a car.
what funny is.when i was falling it was kinda in slow motion.
when i fell i kinda grab asma in it too.cause she was next to me.
nadiah and alya mcam x response pun.
they were like athirah!!
afiqah was like athirah!athirah! are u okay!
it was hilarious la weyh.
after that we all could'nt stop laughing tau.
almost fell again when i was laughing.lawak gila.
we all could'nt stop.
and then masa agama.we all realised that nadiah x reti kira markah.
she thinks that she got higher.lawak gila la.


Alyaaa said...

hahaha. lawak gila babi :D

frhnad said...

i fell, so fast *so fast*