Thursday, December 25, 2008

i was tagged by : frh nadzirah

BM:Poskan gambar 4 orang yang anda rasa mukanya fotogenik.Perkenalkan mereka/link dan kenapa korang rasa mereka fotogenik.Tag 10 orang.

English:Post 4 of peoples that you think are photogenic.Introduce them/link and tell why you'd think they are photogenic.Tag 10 people

1.jonas brothers


2.sis afi
3.sis aida(the one in specs)

people to tag : i dont tag people.haha

p/s : im not so photegenic like my sisters..

1 comment:

frhnad said...

that's a nice pic of them..
oh no, what's kevin doing joe? lol.
can't, stand, nick's, face. too, cute! ARGGG!