Thursday, June 26, 2008

helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!
so..nothin really happened today at school..
lets see...ahah..
there was the bookzone sale...
and guess what???
there was bop and tiger beat..
so i decided to buy bop..instead of tiger beat since
I already got the other one..
i got some happy news today!!YAY!!!
and there was some big winds at school today..
someone got hurt...
and there was glasses breaking and windows too..
the wind was like angry at someone or somethin!!
i was's the end of the world!!!!
someone save us!!!
seriously someone did got hurt!!
like bad!!she was sent to the hospital..
i almost got hit by the door..thank god..nothin happened!!
ok..bye guys!!

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